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Living Wage 2025 Application form
Budget Template 

Please download and save your own copy of this budget template to submit with your application.


With the support of the Wellington City Council, we have $50,000 in Living Wage Funding to pay directly to artists, to support them during the time spent making their new innovative works.

For the Living Wage funding in 2025, an event with a number of cast and crew is eligible to apply for up to 50 hours per person with a total maximum of 200 hours of Living Wage Funding. Solo events are applicable for a total of 100 hours to be split between cast and crew.


14 Oct – Applications open (10 am)

18 Nov – Applications close (5 pm)

Early Dec – Results of funding notified

20 Dec – Payments made if confirmation of grant uplift received

1 Apr – Living Wage report due



In order to be eligible to apply for funding:

  • Your event must be registered in NZ Fringe 2024 and have paid in full your registration fee.
  • You must be a permanent New Zealand resident or citizen of New Zealand (we may ask for proof of this).
  • Your project or production must be a new work that is ​premiering at NZ Fringe 2025 – it can have been presented elsewhere previously, this must be its Wellington premiere.
  • You must not have received CreativeNZ funding for this aspect of the project. This includes​ Creative Communities funding from Council. In the event that you receive other CreativeNZ funding for this aspect of work, you must accept one or the other. You cannot accept both.​
  • Your application must be received by the Fringe office no later than 5​pm Monday 18th November 2024.


Your Living Wage 2025 application will be submitted using an online form and must consist of the following:

  • The idea or kaupapa (500 words max). Describe exactly what the project is.
  • The process for the development of the work.
  • The people involved in the project – a summary of their role on the project and their past experience.
  • A description of how the work challenges those involved and is original, innovative or experimental.
  • A marketing and publicity plan, including identification of the type of audience you hope to attract, and your plan for promoting your event to this audience.
  • Budget, including proposed expenditure, and expected income. Please note – it is OK to include fees for those involved in the production.

The most important thing is to be sure that your budget shows a deficit to the level of the Living Wage funding request so the funding you’re requesting makes up the shortfall to create a zero balance.

A budget template is included in the artist resources on the website and you are encouraged to contact the Fringe team for advice or feedback on your budget and application.

Funding priorities for Living Wage Fund for Fringe 2025 include but are not limited to: 

  • ● Works who have budgeted personnel costs according to Living wage (min $27.80p/h) 
  • Travel costs if you are coming from outside the Wellington Region (at least 150km north of Wellington or anywhere in the South Island).
  • Set up costs for work in non-established or ‘found’ spaces (this recognises the extra costs associated with technical needs and promotion).
  • Accessibility – e.g. funding towards working with an interpreter, making space physically accessible, or making it possible for your production to put on a relaxed performance.
  • Outdoor, free and or koha work.

Please read the full funding criteria here. If you’re unsure if your project meets the criteria for funding contact the Fringe team for advice or feedback.


A panel of independent industry representatives will meet to assess all eligible applications after the application closing date of 18th Nov 2024. All applicants (whether successful or not) will be notified of the outcome of their application Early Dec. If you are successful in obtaining a grant and respond by the required deadline stated in your funding offer, funding will be distributed to you before Christmas on the 20th Dec. If we have not received your agreement to the conditions of the grant by the initial requested December deadline, your funding will be distributed in late January 2025. The cut-off for acceptance is 14th January 2025.


Complete this form to submit your application. Please make sure to use this budget template as part of your application.


Of course, you can! The NZ Fringe team is here to help and is always (within business hours) available to give you advice and feedback about your application (before the submission date), answer questions about your application, and help you with your budget.

We recommend you submit your budget for review as this is often the part that disqualifies otherwise excellent applications.

Call the Fringe team for advice on (04) 2124725 or email


Keep it brief and to the point. The panel will have just one week to read and assess all the applications.

Make sure you include facts about your show – what is it? If it’s two women up a tree reading different Fay Weldon novels simultaneously out loud, then say that in your application. The panel needs to know what you’re doing and why you need funding, don’t just copy and paste your programme blurb or media release.

When you’re budgeting for your show, you need to show the need for funding, you want your budget to balance with Living Wage funding. If you show a profit without Living Wage funding, you’re effectively showing you don’t need funding. If you show a massive deficit with Living Wage funding you’re showing a budget that is unsustainable.

Yes, you can pay people in your budget. No one wants anyone to work for free or come out of Fringe bankrupt! But be realistic about what you can afford to pay people too. Don’t over-inflate fees to the company to get more money, the panel are too smart to let that slip by!

If you are unsure of any aspect of your application contact​ for advice. Historically applicants who have requested advice or received feedback on their applications have been more successful in their outcomes. We’re here to help!